Neo Geo

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Nombre de jeux 168
Nombre de scans 1452
Revues de presse 293
Note moyenne 14.63
Année de sortie 1990
Constructeur SNK
Génération 4

TOP 10 des Jeux Neo Geo

Blazing Star #1 - Blazing Star
Neo Geo - Shoot\'em\'Up
The King Of Fighters  ' 99 : The King Of Fighters #2 - The King Of Fighters ' 99 : The King Of Fighters
Neo Geo - Combat
Bakumatsu Roman : Gekka no Kenshi #3 - Bakumatsu Roman : Gekka no Kenshi
Neo Geo - Combat
000.Neo-Geo.000 #4 - 000.Neo-Geo.000
Neo Geo - Communication
The Last Blade #5 - The Last Blade
Neo Geo - Combat
WindJammers #6 - WindJammers
Neo Geo - Sport
Garou : Mark of the Wolves #7 - Garou : Mark of the Wolves
Neo Geo - Combat
Garou Densetsu : Special #8 - Garou Densetsu : Special
Neo Geo - Combat
SNK VS.Capcom : SVC Chaos #9 - SNK VS.Capcom : SVC Chaos
Neo Geo - Combat
The King Of Fighters ' 99 : Millennium Battle #10 - The King Of Fighters ' 99 : Millennium Battle
Neo Geo - Combat

Jeux Neo Geo populaires

Tokuten Oh 3 : Eikoue no Michi #1 - Tokuten Oh 3 : Eikoue no Michi
Neo Geo - Sport
Samurai Spirits : Zero #2 - Samurai Spirits : Zero
Neo Geo - Combat
Burning Fight #3 - Burning Fight
Neo Geo - Beat\'em\'All
Pulstar #4 - Pulstar
Neo Geo - Shoot\'em\'Up
Shock Troopers : 2nd Squad #5 - Shock Troopers : 2nd Squad
Neo Geo - Action
Robo Army #6 - Robo Army
Neo Geo - Beat\'em\'All
Prehistoric Isle 2 #7 - Prehistoric Isle 2
Neo Geo - Shoot\'em\'Up
Double Dragon #8 - Double Dragon
Neo Geo - Combat
Garou Densetsu 2 : Arata Naru Tatakai #9 - Garou Densetsu 2 : Arata Naru Tatakai
Neo Geo - Combat
Kizuna Encounter Super Tag Battle #10 - Kizuna Encounter Super Tag Battle
Neo Geo - Combat

Tous les Jeux Video Neo Geo

000.Neo-Geo.000 Communication 1990 95%
2020 Super Baseball Sport 1991 82%
3 Count Bout Combat n/c 60%
Aero Fighters 2 Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 77%
Aggressors of Dark Kombat Combat n/c 58%
Alpha Mission II Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 72%
Andro Dunos Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 73%
Art of Fighting 2 Combat 1994 72%
Art of Fighting 3 : The Path Of The Warrior Combat 1996 79%
Art of Fighting : Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden Combat 1996 79%
Ashita no Joe Densetsu Sport n/c 5%
ASO II : Last Guardian Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Baka Tonosama Mahjong Manyuki Mahjong n/c 75%
Bakumatsu Roman : Gekka no Kenshi Combat 1998 95%
Bakumatsu Rouman Dai Ni Maku : Gekka no Kenshi Combat n/c N/C
Bang Bead Sport n/c 85%
Baseball Stars 2 Sport n/c 64%
Baseball Stars : Professional Sport 1991 68%
Big Tournament Golf Sport 1996 90%
Blazing Star Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 96%
Blue's Journey Plates-formes n/c 75%
Breakers Combat n/c 80%
Breakers : Revenge Combat n/c N/C
Burning Fight Beat\'em\'All n/c 60%
Captain Tomaday Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 60%
Chibi Maruko-Chan : Maruko Deluxe Quiz Quizz Game n/c N/C
Choujin Gakuen : Gowcaizer Combat n/c 50%
Crossed Swords Combat n/c 52%
Crossed Swords II Conversion Combat 2015 N/C
Cyber Lip Action n/c 68%
Digger Man Prototype n/c 30%
Double Dragon Combat n/c 65%
Dunk Dream Sport n/c 60%
Eightman Action n/c 56%
Far East of Eden : Kabuki Klash Combat n/c 70%
Fatal Fury Combat n/c 73%
Fatal Fury 2 Combat 1992 81%
Fatal Fury 3 : Road to the Final Victory Combat 1995 74%
Fatal Fury : Special Combat 1993 92%
Fight Fever Combat n/c 28%
Fighter's History Dynamite Combat n/c N/C
Fire Suplex Sport n/c 65%
FlipShot Sport n/c 70%
Flying Power Disk Sport n/c 88%
Football Frenzy Sport n/c 55%
Fu'un Mokushiroku : Kakutou Sousei Combat n/c N/C
Fu'un Super Tag Battle Combat n/c 79%
Galaxy Fight : Universal Warriors Combat 1995 60%
Garou : Mark of the Wolves Combat n/c 93%
Garou Densetsu 1 : The Battle of Destiny Combat n/c 73%
Garou Densetsu 2 : Arata Naru Tatakai Combat 1993 80%
Garou Densetsu 3: Road To The Final Victory Combat 1995 N/C
Garou Densetsu : Special Combat 1993 92%
Ghost Pilots Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 64%
Joy Joy Kid Puzzle game n/c 40%
Karnov's Revenge Combat n/c 75%
King Of The Monsters Combat 1991 70%
King of the Monsters 2 : The Next Thing Combat n/c 60%
Kizuna Encounter Super Tag Battle Combat n/c 79%
Last Resort Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 80%
League Bowling Sport n/c 65%
Magical Drop 2 Puzzle game 1996 85%
Magical Drop III Puzzle game 1997 89%
Magician Lord Plates-formes n/c 63%
Metal Slug Action n/c 87%
Metal Slug 2 Action 1998 86%
Metal Slug 3 Action 2000 90%
Metal Slug 4 Action n/c 78%
Metal Slug 5 Action n/c 88%
Metal Slug X Action 1999 82%
Minnasano Okagesamadesu Mahjong n/c 65%
Miracle Adventure Plates-formes n/c 75%
Mutation Nation Beat\'em\'All n/c 71%
Nam-1975 Tir 1991 74%
Neo Turf Masters Sport 1996 89%
Neo-Geo Cup '98 : The Road to Victory Sport n/c 60%
Ninja Combat Beat\'em\'All n/c 69%
Ninja Commando Action n/c 59%
Ninja Master's Haou Ninpou-chou Combat n/c 77%
OverTop Course 1996 77%
Power Instinct : Matrimelee Combat n/c N/C
Prehistoric Isle 2 Shoot\'em\'Up 1999 N/C
Pulstar Shoot\'em\'Up 1995 90%
Puzzled Puzzle game n/c 40%
Quiz Daisousasen 1 : The Last Count Down Quizz Game n/c N/C
Quiz Daisousasen 2 : Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo Quizz Game n/c N/C
Quiz King of Fighters Quizz Game n/c N/C
Rage of the Dragons Combat n/c 79%
Ragnagard Combat n/c 35%
Raguy Plates-formes n/c 75%
Real Bout Fatal Fury Combat 1996 75%
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 : The Newcomers Combat n/c 85%
Real Bout Fatal Fury : Special Combat 1997 88%
Real Bout Garou Densetsu Combat 1996 75%
Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 : The Newcomers Combat n/c 85%
Real Bout Garou Densetsu : Special Combat 1997 88%
Riding Hero Course n/c 47%
Robo Army Beat\'em\'All n/c 71%
Ryuuko no Ken Combat 1992 80%
Ryuuko no Ken 2 Combat 1994 75%
Samurai Shodown Combat n/c 87%
Samurai Shodown II Combat 1994 81%
Samurai Shodown III Combat 1995 80%
Samurai Shodown IV : Amakusa's Revenge Combat n/c 87%
Samurai Shodown V Combat n/c N/C
Samurai Shodown V : Special Combat n/c 73%
Samurai Spirits Combat n/c 87%
Samurai Spirits : Amakusa Kourin Combat n/c 87%
Samurai Spirits : Zankuro Musouken Combat 1995 N/C
Samurai Spirits : Zero Combat n/c N/C
Samurai Spirits : Zero - Special Combat n/c 70%
Savage Reign Combat n/c 50%
Sengoku Beat\'em\'All n/c 90%
Sengoku 2 Beat\'em\'All 1993 74%
Sengoku 3 Beat\'em\'All 2001 90%
Sengoku Denshou Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Sengoku Denshou 2 Beat\'em\'All 1993 74%
Sengoku Denshou 2001 Beat\'em\'All 2001 N/C
Shin Gouketuji Ichizoku : Matrimelee Combat n/c N/C
Shin Samurai Spirits : Haohmaru Jigokuhen Combat 1994 75%
Shock Troopers Action n/c 90%
Shock Troopers : 2nd Squad Action 1994 83%
SNK VS.Capcom : SVC Chaos Combat n/c 92%
Soccer Brawl Sport n/c 70%
Sonic Wings 2 Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 73%
Sonic Wings 3 Shoot\'em\'Up 1995 70%
Spin Master Plates-formes 1994 69%
Stakes Winner Autres 1995 60%
Stakes Winner 2 Autres n/c 63%
Street Hoop Sport 1994 70%
Super Sidekicks Sport n/c 60%
Super Sidekicks 2 Sport 1994 73%
Super Sidekicks 3 : the Next Glory Sport n/c 70%
Super Sidekicks 4 : The Ultimate 11 Sport n/c N/C
Syougi no Tatsujin : Master of Syougi Jeu de société n/c N/C
The King Of Fighters ' 99 : The King Of... Combat 1999 95%
The King Of Fighters 2000 Combat 2000 88%
The King of Fighters 2001 : Fight it Out ! Combat n/c 65%
The King of Fighters 2002 : Be the Fighter ! Combat n/c 78%
The King of Fighters 2003 Combat n/c 91%
The King Of Fighters ' 94 Combat 1994 78%
The King Of Fighters ' 95 Combat 1995 80%
The King Of Fighters ' 96 Combat 1996 89%
The King Of Fighters ' 98 : Dream Match Never... Combat 1998 90%
The King Of Fighters ' 99 : Millennium Battle Combat 1999 92%
The King of Fighters '97 Combat n/c 85%
The King Of Fighters '98 : The Slugfest Combat 1998 82%
The Last Blade Combat 1998 94%
The Last Blade 2 Combat n/c 89%
The Super Spy Action n/c 45%
Thrash Rally Course n/c 40%
Tokuten Oh 2 : Real Fight Football Sport 1994 N/C
Tokuten Oh 3 : Eikoue no Michi Sport n/c N/C
Tokuten Oh : Super Sidekicks Sport n/c N/C
Tokuten Ou : Honou no Libero Sport n/c N/C
Top Hunter : Roddy & Cathy Plates-formes 1994 60%
Top Player's Golf Sport n/c 60%
Tsuukai GanGan Koushinkyoku Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Twinkle Star Sprites Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 75%
Viewpoint Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 60%
Voltage Fighter : Gowcaizer Combat n/c 50%
Waku Waku 7 Combat 1996 78%
WindJammers Sport n/c 93%
World Heroes Combat 1992 72%
World Heroes 2 Combat 1993 N/C
World Heroes 2 : Jet Combat 1994 75%
World Heroes Perfect Combat 1995 75%
Zupapa ! Action n/c N/C
- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360